Indian Luxury Trains: Suffused with Heritage, Reminiscent of Royalty

India. The very name conjures up an eclectic mélange of people, places, creed and culture. India is a vast and diverse country. Overpopulated, rapidly developing and a place where a very thin line divides the order and the mayhem, India is simply confounding at first glance. But as you settle down and start to peel the layers, you will discover an unparalleled charm and fascination with which this country is blessed.

luxury trains in India
The iconic Taj Mahal Palace and Hotels in Mumbai
One of the ways to discover the irresistible allure of this country is to travel on board one of the luxury tourists trains which take you on a whirlwind tour across the handpicked destinations in India. These meticulously selected destinations across which an array of Indian luxury trains ply will give you a glimpse not just of the past redolent with royal colors and heritage of India but bring you face to face with the contemporary India, its amazing diversity and global appeal.

Here's the list of luxury trains operating in India.
So what is it like to travel on board one of these luxury trains in India? To say that a travel on board rail can never get more opulent will not be an exaggeration. From the very moment you arrive to board the train till the moment you alight, you will be treated like a maharajah (literally meaning king). In stark opposition to normal rail journeys in India, you won’t find overcrowded compartments, hawkers inside the cabins or any of these nuisances attached with normal train traveling in India. Indian luxury trains have been custom designed to recreate the pomp and elegance which characterized the private carriages of erstwhile maharajas of a bygone era.

Deccan Odyssey
A red carpet traditional Indian welcome to the guests on board Deccan Odyssey
These trains designed and equipped to attract foreign and niche travelers, are a walking gallery of grandeur. Interiors of these trains are suffused with the heritage, art and motifs of the region to which they travel. Even the journey on board becomes the part of your experience. The interiors of these palaces on wheels are seamless blend of the traditional art and contemporary elegance. Not just the quaint décor of the interiors, state of the art amenities are provided on board to add to the opulence and pampering of the guests. Facilities like Wi-Fi internet, restaurants & bar, satellite television; direct dial phones and even spa and business centre are present in some of these tourist trains.

Maharaja Express train
Living area of the presidential suite of Maharajas Express is no less plush than the interiors of a 5 star hotel
Apart from the hi-tech facilities and gourmet cuisines which are available on the train, the off-train excursions are equally fascinating. Destinations are selected to give a peek into the royal past of India. Guests get to see and marvel at some of the most stunning and spectacular landmarks dotted across the country. These monuments stand testimony to the glorious past and rich heritage of India as well as narrate the story of how India came to be as she is today. Besides the monuments and architecture, guests on board also get a firsthand experience of the diverse culture of India as they embark on an array of cultural excursion.

Maharajas Express
Maharajas Express train dubbed as the India's answer to the Orient Express of the West
Notwithstanding the aforementioned advantages of travelling on board the Indian luxury trains, one of the most attractive feature of travelling on board the luxury tourists train in a foreign country is that a opposed to the air travel where you can only stare at the monotonous sky, here you get a chance to observe the landscape spool by like illuminating scroll and get the first hand look at myriad colors of the countryside and the cities alike. Although it is costly, luxury train travel will ensure that you get your every penny’s worth as you explore the vast expanse of this country in 5 star luxuries and princely welcome.

Deccan Odyssey
Deccan Odyssey , one of the luxury trains in India chugging through scenic landscapes in Maharashtra
For more information on these luxury trains or any other assistance/details, please feel free to contact me
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